Juniors - 23
1 Czerniewicz Mariusz (Poland) 30
2 Lo Savio Angelo (Italy) 15
Juniors - 20
1 Pacciana Pierpaolo (Italy) 16
Small Class
1 Serra Xisco (Spain) 6
2 Bucher Ivan (Switzerland) 22
3 Thierry Dino (Guadalupe) 36
4 Territo Filippo (Belgium) 4
Medium Class
1 Klojzy Piotr (Poland) 31
2 Vasarhelyi Zoltan (Hungary) 32
Tall Class
1 Cranwell Neale (England) 11
2 Stevenson Martin (England) 10
3 Napolitano Gaetano (Italia) 13
H/W - 3 kg
1 Nieto Roberto (Spain) 7
2 Scarfogliero Raffaele (Italy) 26
3 Lamanna Gaspare (Italy) 34
4 Giuliani Armando (Italy) 2
5 Pacciana Pierpaolo (Italy) 16
H/W +173cm 0 kg
1 Norcia Marco (Italy) 21
2 De Fanis Michele (Italy) 17
3 Abbate Cesare (Italy) 37
4 Falcioni Marco (Italy) 12
H/W + 173cm + 6 kg
1 Abbate Cesare (Italy) 37
2 Tedone Domenico (Italy) 27
Over 40 Bodybuilding
1 Thierry Dino (Guadalupe) 36
2 Territo Filippo (Belgium) 4
3 Stevenson Martin
(England) 10
Over 45 Bodybuilding
1 Mc Lean Roy (England) 9
2 Territo Filippo (Belgium) 4
Over 45 + 3kg
1 Bonelli Gian Marco (Italy) 1
2 Tanca Pier Franco (Italy) 24
Over 55/65
1 Lotito Vincenzo (Italia) 25
2 Brown Yates Martyn (England) 8
Miss Shape
1 Urbaniak Agnieszka
(Polond) 29
2 Santos Alice (Spain) 5
3 Zanini Ornella (Italy) 23
Miss Over
1 Santos Alice (Spain) 5
Miss Fashion
1 Pap Katalin (Hungary) 18
2 Madarasz Kitti (Hungary) 19
3 Krcova Nikola (Slovacchia) 28
4 Ḥdi Agnes (Hungary) 20
Miss Fitness
1 Vigaṇ Patrizia (Italy) 35
2 Krcova Nikola (Slovacchia) 28
3 Szokol Borbala (Hungary) 33
4 Zanini Ornella (Italy) 23
Mr Fashion
1 Cinque Salvatore 3 (Italy)
Overall Mr Europe IBFA 2012
Cranwell Neal (England)
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Overall Mr Europe IBFA 2012 H/W
Norcia Marco (Italy)
Overall Mr Europe IBFA 2012 Masters Mc Lean Roy (England)
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Overall Ms Europe IBFA 2012 Vigaṇ Patrizia (Italy)
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